I'm thrilled to read this! My interest is as a science fiction writer who lives in an agricultural area and has written some science fiction westerns with agtech as a background...usually biobots of some sort, but am planning to write more (I *was* calling the genre "agripunk" but no one seemed to resonate with it, so now it's "science fiction western"). In this era, I think there's a lot of potential ag-based stories that could be written...and am kinda sad that I can't seem to encourage other sf writers to take a look at agtech. Amazing stuff going on.

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This is so energizing to read, Joyce! I'm excited to check out your writing - it sounds awesome. I like that you were calling the genre "agripunk", too, and I'm excited to join your agripunk party! Let me know if you ever want to collaborate or support one another's work.

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Let's talk! The most relevant books are the Martiniere Legacy series--*Inheritance,* *Ascendant*, *Realization*, and *The Enduring Legacy.*

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